Project Accountant - Dajani Consulting

The EU-funded "Support to the Employment and TVET Reform in Jordan" Project is a 22 months project focusing on providing technical assistance to Jordan's key stakeholders to reform the employment and technical and vocational education and training (TVET) system. The project will be implemented by a consortium consisting of GOPA Consultants (Germany), Ecorys (Netherlands), SQA (UK) and Dajani Consulting (Jordan) with GOPA Consultants as the lead firm.

The project intends to contract a full-time project accountant / financial assistant for the project team that will consist of four key experts and various short-term experts. The project will be located in Amman and its duration will be from January 2013 until end of October 2014.

Purpose of the Job
Assisting the Team Leader and Key Experts of the "Support to the Employment and TVET Reform" Project in Jordan in realising the project in terms of office finance, financial reporting, and budgeting.

Scope of activities
Within the implementation period of the Project (starting from mid-January 2013 till 31 October 2014) the accountant will provide on-going support to the project management team mainly in financial accounting and budgetary matters.

Within this task (s)he will cover in a responsible way and professional manner the following scope of activities:

- Assist the team leader in setting up and maintaining the financial administration and reporting
- Assist the project team in setting up budgets and running seminars, conferences and workshops
- Maintain a critical view of the project's financial progress; inform the team leader in written form on request and on a regular basis
- Assist the team leader in preparing money transfers (fees and others)
- Make translations of all kind of financial documents, related to the project, if requested by the project and / or team leader
- Assist the team leader and the key expert team with the preparation of tender documents / request for quotations, and the implementation of tender procedures under the incidental budget (e.g. contracts for the implementation of workshops and training sessions)
- Assist the team leader in communicating and translating with various parties involved in the project when related to financial issues
- Carry out any other tasks defined in consultation with the team leader

Place of activity will be the Project office at the Ministry of Labour. In case of project activities outside Amman e.g. visits, seminars and workshops in other parts of Jordan, the project assistant could be asked to be present for a defined short period of time.

Job Details

Date Posted: 2013-01-03
Job Location: Amman, Jordan
Job Role: Accounting/Banking/Finance
Company Industry: Consulting Services

Preferred Candidate

Career Level: Mid Career
Nationality: Jordan
Degree: Bachelor's degree / higher diploma

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