M&E Consultant - Global Nomads Group | Jordan Jobs

1. Summary
Global Nomads Group (GNG) is seeking a highly experienced M&E Consultant or Group to conduct a baseline study within the second quarter of project implementation of GNG's new Voices4Change program. The GNG Middle East and North Africa (MENA) V4C Program is an initiative designed to engage and empower young people to use media, including: live-interactive videoconferencing, web-casts, social networking, gaming, documentaries and participatory filmmaking. At the same time, it will allow participants to learn about social change and and civic engagement, and explore these topics through a regional network of peers. The project will be implemented in the MENA region in six countries, Lebanon, Palestine, Jordan, Egypt, Libya and Tunisia.

The overall goal of the M&E Consultant will be to develop a baseline study about ascertaining the starting point. GNG and implementing project partners, Transterra Media (TTM), are committed to monitoring and evaluation to ensure effective and efficient program management and of course to measure the outcomes of their work in relation to agreed program objectives. Monitoring of project activities will be ongoing through the surveying of participants at local workshops. This information will be included in quarterly reports as well as mid-term and final evaluations. The consultant will be expected to develop four to five different tools (surveys, focus groups, organization assessment and key informant interviews) in coordination with GNG, which will contribute to the baseline study in all six-project countries.

The end result of this process, of which the M&E Consultant will be responsible, will be the publication of a baseline report that will capture participants' and stakeholders' attitudes prior to the start of the V4C program activities.

For more information about GNG, please visit our website www.gng.org

3. M&E Consultant Goal and Objectives
The baseline study will be conducted towards the beginning of project implementation and prior to the start of activities. Specifically, the objectives of the M&E Consultant will be:
1. To measure the knowledge and skills that the young participants in the project locations have in relation to key program topics, including: media literacy, media production experience, and civic engagement and activism;
2. To determine the most significant factors in shaping young participants' knowledge and attitudes towards the aforementioned program topics, and more specifically the areas where young people see the most in need of improvement;
3. To assess the gap between media outlets/broadcasters and the youth in selected project locations;
4. To assess the institutional capacity of target youth and/or civic society organizations in regards to 1) management capacity, 2) expedience in public engagement and 3) outreach.

4. Expected Outputs and Level of Effort
The selected M&E Consultant will be expected to deliver the following tools and outputs:
1. Collect data in all six project countries to map the knowledge and attitudes of participants at the onset of activities

2. Publication of a baseline study report reflecting participants' and stakeholders' attitudes evaluating figures and findings which will determine baselines by which the project outcomes will be determine in relation to agreed program objectives.

The total level of effort (LOE) should not exceed 30 days, including travelling days, with the assignment-taking place between February 15 and March 15 2013.

The collection of data will be conducted in Lebanon, Palestine, Jordan, Egypt, Libya and Tunisia by the M&E Consultant on the basis of the aforementioned criteria defined in these Terms of Reference. The exact dates for the assignment will be finalized and agreed with the chosen consultant.

Job Details

Date Posted: 2013-01-28
Job Location: Amman, Jordan
Job Role: Management
Company Industry: Education, Training, and Library
Joining Date: 2013-02-15

Preferred Candidate

Career Level: Management

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